Aged Care Placement & Ageing Patient Advocate
Need help to navigate the Aged Care Placement, Respite and other types of Care for you or your Loved ones?
Let Susan guide you through the Aged Care System- Call Today!

Searching for Aged Care Solutions is a time consuming process!
If the much-loved Elder in your life needs more care than previously managed at home
If, due to hospitalisation or a decline in health, your Australian Elder needs to move into Residential Aged Care, allow the team at Susan.Care to assist you to manage the process smoothly and effortlessly.
Passionate about being of service to you, your loved ones and family-members, Susan and her team will support you by providing clarity, guidance, negotiation and advocacy during what can otherwise be an overwhelmingly frustrating period of time.
If an Elder in your life needs immediate Respite Care, ask to assist you in navigating the minefield that is Australia’s Aged Care System.
Susan.Care is a NSW-based Aged Care placement solutions provider and advocate committed to ensuring families find the next-best solution for their ageing parent or loved ones.

Available in Sydney!


North Shore & Beaches

Eastern Suburbs

Hunters Hill/ Woolwich

Inner West & Parramatta
Service Reviews
Get your First Consultation was established in Sydney during Covid-19 2020, after observing myriad difficulties and stresses that families encountered as they approached the task of finding a care solution for the Elder(s) in their lives.
Many families find:
The time required to sift through the bureaucracies greatly exceeds their expectations (~80+ hours)
In a scatter-gun approach, valuable actions get duplicated or forgotten; leading to wasted time off work and incomparable facilities.
Tensions rise in familial relations.
It is our business to ensure families find the best solution for their loved ones.
Contact Us and please “Subscribe” by entering your email below to get your Free eBook!
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